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HypnoBirthing® Classes

Your baby’s birth will shape your life profoundly. It’s the story you will tell your child and a memory you’ll relive over and over. But misinformation, overwhelm or a fear can inhibit the birthing process and turn a normal, healthy labor into a medical event. You can give birth feeling completely relaxed and at ease, while informed and in control of every decision made in the delivery room. A safe, comfortable, positive birth is within your reach.

Nutrition Consultations

From pre-conception to the toddler years, proper balanced nutrition will be key to give your pregnancy and baby their best foundation in life. 


Thai Massage

Thai massage is an ancient healing system combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and passive yoga postures. Some of it's many benefits within pregnancy, it soothes & helps the nervous system adapt to the many changes of the mother's body, as well as assisting in any tension release or the natural softening of the women's body.

Prenatal Yoga


From your physical body to your emotional state, prenatal yoga is a key ingredient to a healthy, happy pregnancy with many benefits; getting your body ready for labour & keeping stress levels down are just two of many. Private and Public classes are available.

Meditation & Birthing Hypnosis

Hypnosis & meditation are states of deep mental and physical relaxation that enables the hypnotized person to focus intensely on a thought or feeling, blocking outside distractions. In this state, proponents say, the mind is more open to suggestions that change our beliefs and behavior. When a woman prepares for childbirth with hypnosis, these suggestions aim to replace fear and expectations of pain with confident expectations of a safe, gentle – even comfortable – birth.​

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